Esports (also known as Electronic, Cyber, Digital and Virtual Reality Sports) is on the
forefront of technological advancement and development. With the active
participation of more than 3 billion gamers globally, connected to millions of
supporters, followers, match broadcasters/shout casters, match officials,
coaches, referees, event organizers, gaming publishers, and streamers are
evident of the massive impact of the Esports Ecosystem. Esports has financially
outgrown its counterparts in the sports and entertainment industry. The potential
of Esports to conduct online and offline events, makes this sport super versatile.
An official esports event can literally take place without any boundaries or limitations.
The Esports Industry does not grow in isolation. It embraces and simultaneously
stimulate the growth and development of other sectors, including but not limited
to the Educational & Career Development, Tourism, Small & Medium Business Enterprise Development, Domestic & Foreign Affairs,
Arts & Culture, Science & Technology, Youth & Women Empowerment, Social
Development, and various other sectors.
It is very important to effectively manage the cerebral and cognitive value addition
which Esports contributes to.
The real value of the Esports Industry is insurmountable.
For Africa, it is very important to embrace the full value of Esports and to allow for
the growth and development of the entire Esports Ecosystem, from grassroot level
upwards to ensure a sustainable footprint which will ultimately encourage other
sectors to also advance in development opportunities on the continent.
Esports can therefore be used as an effective mechanism to facilitate and secure new and sustainable investment opportunities which will eventually stimulate economic growth. The African Esports Cup will create the ideal platform to position esports as a real change agent which will innovatively influence and alter the stagnant social dynamics in Africa.